
A CYP Shavuot Ice Cream Social

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  • Registration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome!

    See you at the Chabad Loft, at 6 pm.

    Candle lighting Tuesday is 8:43 pm

    Candle lighting Wednesday is 9:53 pm

    *From a preexisting flame

  • Join us for a evening celebrating the holiday of Shavuot, the day we received the Torah 3,336 years ago.

    There is an ancient custom to eat dairy foods on this day, ranging from reasons of comparing Torah to milk, to the pragmatic time it took to pull a party together with dairy after G-d came down on Mt. Sinai. (After all, they just got all the laws. Waiting to get newly prepared Kosher beef wasn't going to keep a crowd. True story.)

    Hear the 10 commandments from a Torah Scroll and socialize with an ice cream dairy buffet* and an open bar happy hour.

    6-7:30 PM

    Downtown location sent upon RSVP.

    No cost to attend, sponsorship available. *Non-dairy options too.

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