
Workday Minyan Services

The daily weekday Minyan for Shacharit that takes place Monday through Friday at 7:15 am except legal holidays at the offices of Hillcrest Food Service 2735 E 40th St, Cleveland, OH 44115. If you need help with access, call 216-244-1525.

During the winter months only (EST), there is a Mincha Minyan that takes place Monday through Friday except legal holidays at the law offices of Ehrenreich & Associates, Leader Bldg, 526 Superior Avenue, 2nd floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44114 at 1:20 p.m. Please contact Daniel at 917-362-1453 to confirm.

Shabbat Minyan Services

Shabbat day services take place Saturdays at 10:00 a.m. followed by a Kiddush. For information and to RSVP, click here.